Monday, December 8, 2014

The Chosen One

The song by Maher Zain is about our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD 
(peace be upon him).
The most influenced Man in the history!
He was  the one who convey all of the teachings of Islam.
With only his soft action he can attract people to convert into 
Islam and beer witness that Allah swt is the ONLY god.

I love this song so much!
And I believe we are also 

I love Surah An Nahl 16 verse 78 because it really related to us.

And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers 
not knowing a thing. And He gave you hearing, sight and hearts 
that you might give thanks (to Allah).


From this verse we can divide into three part:

Firstly, "And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers"
We should be grateful and thank Allah for ALL of His Mercy to us;
Before we were brought to this world, we are in the world of ROH,
We should be grateful of who we are now,
They are so many ROH there, Then, Allah swt has chose us 
to be in this world, to observe all of the wonderful creations that he made
just for US!

Then, He has brought you to the womb of a mother, The mother 
that live after the Islam has reached  to all over the world,
NOT in the era of Jahiliyah, where the people with so many
ego, REFUSE to worship the ONLY lord, Allah Al- Mighty.

During this era of Jahiliyah, all of the baby girl was buried
alive by their own father; Being born as a lady, we should be 
grateful! Allah has made us live today!

Secondly, "not knowing a thing". Allah swt is the ONLY 
one who gave us everything; Human is the best creation because
we have "akal" or brain; The brain to evaluate particular
things. And it is Human's nature (fitrah) to act on GOOD things 
and to be GOOD people. Allah has give us the knowledge.
Who you are today, how smart you are,  how people 
praise you because of your word is BECAUSE of His blessing!
it is JUST because of ALLAH'S blessing.
You have no right to show off all the things you have,
to underestimate people, to disobey His word
because He has gave you everything!
You just His hamba (slave). 
If He can create all the things in the both world,
Without a second, he can take everything that you have.
Then, you should be grateful of what you have now.

Lastly, "And He gave you hearing, sight and hearts that you
might give thanks (to Allah)".
This 3 components are interconnected with each other.
We should be grateful for our life TODAY
because we can still hear the music that we love
the hip hop, ballad, rock, all the type of music,
Just to make our self calm and enjoy the moment,
We still have eyes to watch all of our favourite film, artist;
the Korean, Philipines, Disney movies, all the reality shows.
We still have heart. To feel the love, to express all of our 
emotions; happy, sad, anger, hate, "falling in love"  

Is that all about? Is that the purpose of our life is?
What happen to our future hereafter? that will definitely happen
The day of JUDGEMENT!
What if our last breath is just in a few seconds?
What about our self?
You have the answer...

Just close your eyes and think about  what have you done  this 
morning, this afternoon and  just now ....

BE GRATEFUL of All of HIS NIKMAT from the day you were born.
we should worship Him with our whole heart and LOVES 
Him the way He loves us.
and There must be something Allah wants from us
as He has chosen us to be in this Earth.
He must pick the best of the best.
Which is US! to be MUSLIM! 
to be CALIPH in this world!

 * because of that I love this verse 16:78

Thank you Allah Al- Mighty

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