Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Recipe #1: "On the spot, we decide..."

There will never be a good sample of recipe of life. The recipe of happiness
here in dunya and akhirat.  I realised that my parents have their own recipe
to build up the strong basis of Islam in me and to have my own principle in
life no matter who I am; where I've been in the future. May Allah swt bless
them for all of their effort in becoming a responsible parents to me. Amin!

The first recipe of my family is "On the spot, we decide..."

The moment I left the gate of Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Kajang
after Bahasa Arab Tinggi paper in SPM; there is one question; the easiest and 
common question that kind of "haunted" me! Mostly from my relatives and 
sometimes drives me crazy.

" Nak sambung apa nanti lepas ni? Nak jadi doktor or engineer or even perhaps in the accountancy field?".... so that is the question! I just smile; the smile which was never from the bottom of my heart.  

In high school, I "decided" I want to be "Biotechnologist". So, It is kind of
compulsory to me, to write this word " Dr. Amirah Amirmudin; Biotechnologist
on the cover page of  each of my  exercise book. Haih, little laugh
"flashing back" that moment. ><  

Actually, I NEVER discover what is my ambition in the future! Seriously!
Never! My father's once told me, "buat betul-betul! Dapatkan dulu 11 A+. 
Then on the spot,we decide what you want to be!  So, I do what I am
suppose to do during my high school.  To be a student! Learn! Focus!
All of my time I just spent on revision, exercises and memorising the
mind map; facts; acronym and etc...

After the SPM result, I have this huge and serious dilemma! Which is
" ACTUALLY" to decided which field I am MORE into. Suitable to my nature. 
I search on the internet, answering many career inventory and quizzes to 
discover my ability and talent. Whether the field is good or bad for me. 

I filled every scholarship that suit with my SPM qualifications in every field;
medicine, accountancy, engineering, teaching and attending many
interview. It was fun though! The experience of being brave, confident
with every words that utter from my mouth; meeting great competitor with
interesting background; widen my way of thinking and answering interview 
questions; changing phone numbers and connecting through facebook with 
the friends there; and actually; to KNOW the real me. 
The way I "SOCIALISE" with people. 

Eventhough never know your ambition is kind of DISASTER, but I know what 
my father trying to show me! 

You never know what is in front of you. What if becoming Biotechnologist is actually not your DESTINY? My father wants me to always FOCUS in every single thing that I do. Learn first! Then on the spot we decided your ambition suit with my SPM result. I Just imagine how stressful I am if I don't score in my examination during high school and how it will affect my "DREAM" to be bio-technologist.
My father taught me to always give my very best effort in every single thing that I do. Focus! Focus! Focus! and Keep the momentum! After that, on the spot we decide... 
One more story, after getting back from California, I struggle within 
months to achieve 5 A in the UPSR. It is too late for me to apply on
boarding school. Alhamdulillah! with the good result in UPSR, I got the 
chance to be in KAA class in the school. KAA stands for Kelas Aliran Agama. 
There will be one extra subject in my PMR; which is Arabic language. 

My father loves His children to learn more than one language. So, He said 
to me " Just learn, I want you to learn that beautiful language. No matter
what your PMR result is.Either that language will  "AFFECT" your PMR 
result later, at least you have the knowledge; for your future and your life.
I believe in you, my daughter! You will give the best! After the result, on
the spot we decide...

Parents always wants the best for their children. To get good grade in the
school. To be the top in the class and to be known. They hoping the best
from us. And it is the ONLY way we can pay back everything that they 
do just to see their children growing happily. 

They don't force me! But I am the ONE who want to prove them! that 
their first born daughter can do it! Accept the challenge! To be good at 
school! to show my father that Arabic language is EASY and NEVER EVER 
going to affect my PMR result!  Never!

I am in college now. Alhamdulillah! With Allah swt bless on my parents 
and me. I am pursuing in Medicine; Not Biotechnology. Just go with the
flow as Allah swt is the best planner!

I am in semester break. Just having a chat with my sister... She strongly 
and bravely admit that
" I refuse to get married! Hehe", 
" What ????? really angah??? Serious???
While having dinner together with the my family, I inform my 
father that my little sister don't want to get married in the future..
Then, my father said.....
"ON THE SPOT,we decide..."
Opppssss... My bad! Haha! 

In every single thing! I will remember " ON THE SPOT, we decide"... 
FOCUS in your vision; don't let other thing distract you because it is just 
the beginning, IT IS A STILL LONG JOURNEY TO GO! In sya allah!

Enjoy being a student! Because all you have to do is just learn! 

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