Saturday, December 20, 2014

I am TOTALLY a beginner!

My travelogue for SEM 2 in IB programme; KMB
15 days before school

In the name of Allah, Most gracious; Most Merciful
Allahuma solli 'ala Muhmmad, peace be upon Him

I am TOTALLY a beginner in IB programme!
Seeking my NEW identity!
of becoming IB survivor!

This is a reflection and improvement from my SEM 1  result. Just in 15 days, 
In sya allah I will getting back; struggling, living and enjoying; SEM 2. 
Getting to know the NEW identity  of me!

 I called this sem as " The Sem of Strictness". Strict? 
The word itself describe how hectic and fatigue my life will be during 
this sem! Subhanallah! I decided to be strict as it is SO me! I am a 
serious person. I defined the word "serious" is .... Me! myself will give my 
whole COMMITMENT, ATTENTION, and FOCUS in a particular thing or situation. 

Why " The sem of Strictness?"
Because I have to be strict with myself about the TIME!
During SEM 2, I have to gear up! and "SERIOUS" on the Internal Assessment (IA),in Biology,Chemistry and BMS, The Math Exploration, and the Extended Essay (EE)
In addition! Commitment to curiculum, topic test, group work, novel analysis,
Allahu! Lets feel the heat now!!! The pressure!
for me to realise that I have to " USE" my time really WISELY. Ya Allah! Please
guide me!
Tick Tock...
Tick Tock...
The clock is ticking....
Managing TIME is absolutely important! 
Surah Al- Asr, the surah specific for time:

Demi Masa!
Sesungguhnya manusia KERUGIAN
melainkan! yang BERIMAN dan BERAMAL SOLEH!

As my state is a STUDENT. Then, I should use "LEARNING" as the way for me and
for US to get Allah swt blessing; His REDHA towards us; His hamba. 

It is time for me to get my new IDENTITY! Adapting in new environment of IB;THE DYNAMIC PROGRAMME. I have change a few things to get myself well adapted to this programme.

I want to focus on LEARNING and TASK. In sya allah!
Be Discipline with the  "TESTIMONIAL METHOD". This show the " strictness" to myself.


Know your study style: Effective method and time in learning. By identifying your study style, it will save your revision time before examination. I have to change my revision method, as I used to revised ALL the papers and notes,; flipping EACH of the pages before the night of the exam for EACH subjects! Which is ineffective and less SMART! and if I keep on doing this during my degree, is not save!

There are many inventory and quiz in the internet for  you to discover you study style. You can click on this link: Knowing your study style and check this out too study strategies

I am a VISUAL learner!!! yeay!!! Who is with me? Gimme High 5!!!

Testimonial Method: Mind Mapping. 

~ Weekend night: Go through from the whole chapter and subtopic. Get the 
   idea and make a ROUGH mind map. 
~ Review within 24 hours: After the class, fill in the detail of subtopic in the 
   mind map.


Testimonial Method:
~ Reading research to get IDEA
~ Identify problem
~ Propose title before February.

It is easier to have your own CALENDAR! I prefer to have a written DIARY. 
Not using phone. Checking the diary every night; to get ready for tomorrow. 

Still manually...
In sya allah. Amirah will do the best!

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