Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Being Fat? No more!

Since I was little, as early as 6 years old; I can finish nearly 10 bottles of milk
everyday. Childhood time! Full of joy and excitement. I just like you are on
your own world. Nothing to worry. Just play and watch cartoon all the time. 

In my family, I used to be the biggest among my sister and brother. My physical appearance is not "proportional" with my age. I remember, during Hari Raya Celebration would be a nightmare for me. As our relatives visit my grandma 
kampong in Negeri Sembilan; my parents used to introduce me to them and to
other guest.

A typical question asked is " Tingkatan berapa ni?". When I was in 6th grade, It 
really hurt me. As they figure out that I was in form 3 at that time. Being called
as "Gemok" by my cousins is a "REALLY" common thing. 

I miss hearing my late grandpa's advice. " Makanlah mira, tambah je. Jangan jadi macam atok, dah tak de selera makan". I love having meal with him at our kampong. Eating next to him is the most happiest moment for me as no one can 
stop me eating in large portion or unless  they will be scolded by my grandpa.
I just miss my grandpa, Arwah Atok Udin, Al- fatihah for him.

Truly, One physical appearance is important and more vital in our society than
the attitude. Being fat and ugly is often discriminate from having the right to
live as human. To be love, care and respect by someone. It is unfair for the 
" Big" people to be judge as someone who is lazy, stinky and less intelligence.
People DO judge people by its cover.

They are human,
You are human,
Treat  others the way you want to be treated.
We all come from the same source, the soil " At- Tin"
Judging and underestimate others just because 
you got more than them, is not us.
Allah swt reward you with the beauty as a test for you.
That will be questioned at the day of Judgement.

Just once upon a time, I used to be fat. Being big than others. Being special than others. It is a test for me. Alhamdulillah. I am grateful for the good health 
he has given to me eventhough I was "OVER" obese at that time

A year ago. Struggling in SPM, has made my diet unbalanced. Eating " Nasi Goreng Pataya" after getting back from " Prep" at 10.30 pm and then fall asleep;
with super lack of exercise has made me gain 13 kilogram of fat.
Allahu akbar!
Looking back at my old picture after graduate from high school. 
It just unbelievable! Is that me? Really? 

Without a gut! I decided to loss as much weight as I can before the SPM result announce. So... My journey that going to change my life has just begin. 
I want to be healthy to make my life better in the future. In sya allah.


I signed up as a gym member near my house. Each month, the fee is RM 50 and 
it worth it! Buying sport shoes is the first step for me. My routine everyday at
5 pm is being at gym. Starting to walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill at 60km/h
is super duper tiring for the first 3 weeks for me. Running on treadmill is just
a warm up! It just like your whole body is BURNING and my skin turns to red. 
I guess the blood is flowing so fast; filling up the empty, hollow vessel to provide
oxygen for me as I gasping for air so badly! Alhamdulillah. I managed to adapt 
with that " HOT" condition. My coach, Kak Karma; advice me to focus on cardiac 
burn that related to the heart. To make my heart strong and get the gear up
to pump the blood as this exercise mission is a surprise for my body. The body 
system is not familiar to it.

You never know the " BURNING" until you hit the ground of this rolling road!

I make some research on the internet about the exercise. A research has been conducted that, different type of blood has different way to loss weight. Our
body shape is also influenced the way our diet. Subhanallah! Amazing and 
unique! Everyone is special! So, for me, my blood type is O. To get rid all of 
this fat is by excessive  "EXERCISE"!!! Wow! It really a challenge for me!  As far
as remember, for blood type B, yoga exercise is just enough to make you slim. 

So... I accepted the challenge by exercise as often as I can! Every morning, 
around 10 o'clock, I wear my cool sport "boots", ready to marching and hit 
the ground. With the dumbbell on both hands, I focused to loss fat on the
arm. Doing the squad and push up 30 times really cause me pain! Feeling
to cry because It is so tiring! For 30 minutes, as I recorded the tv program
of channel 709. I move my feet just like in the tv. Burn and sweat so badly!
One more thing, It is hardly to breath as I have to "chase" the movement of
the exercise. Sometimes,I surrender and hit the button "PAUSE".


Because the exercise is extremely exhausting!  I refuse to eat as many as I used 
to.2 full plate of rice. because I cannot bear with the exercise. It really hurt
my back, my thigh, my joint and my heart. So, did my diet change 360 degree.
The strict diet everh!!!

~Morning : No more nasi lemak, nasi goreng or roti canai. It just 
" A BOWL of cornflakes" with a glass of warm mineral water  Or 2 bread with 
butter. After exercise at 10 am, I used to take an green apple to regain my
energy. At morning, It is COMPULSORY for me to finish 1 litre of water. 
No matter what! I have to push myself to drink eventhough my stomach 
full of it.
For my weight, ** kg, I have to drink " AT LEAST" 3 litres a day!
 Fuhh! Water flash flood on my stomach.

The water is to "smoothen" my joint and provide a liquid for the muscle 
movement as I used to over exercise. It also help to " flush" the toxin 
and unwanted materials in my body. 

~ Afternoon: A "FIST" of rice. Or I can say 3 spoon of rice OR a quarter of 
plate. From 2 full plate to a quarter? I just "NEED" to do it! Or unless my 
dream can't be true. Sometimes I just consume a sausage with salad.
I am still hungry. Nothing I can do. I  have to accept the fact that
just this much for my lunch. I rather not eat because I cannot bear 
with the  extremely tiring exercise.
Challenge yourself. Can I eat that much? With tiring exercise...

~Night : A fruit, A quarter of rice, A fish and a LOT of vegetables to 
prevent the constipation. 

~I WILL calculate every single food that get into my mouth. If the calorie 
exceed 3,500; then 1 kg will be add up to the scale. 

~ Often check the "digit" of my weight. Is it decreasing? 

~ Never give up. There is one moment when my weight is fixed for the pass 
2 weeks. No changes at ALL. I asked my coach, she said, my body is still 
adapting and just continue exercise! Exercise! AND Exercise! Never stop!

Say in my mind! I can do it! I can! Be strong Mira!
 Alhamdulillah! ALL the pain, the tears, and ALL of my EFFORT is paid! 
For about a year. Now I lost 13 kg. All praises to Allah swt! I want to be healthy.
Then I must show to him that I want it so badly!

ALLAH swt has said that 

Who strive ! Then He get it!

The word " wa" means that " for sure". Allah swt promise it! In sya allah! Now!
I still in the mission of losing my weight to an ideal BMI.

A year for me to make the transformation. To the "cute" girl out there.
Nothing is impossible. You can make ANYTHING happen! Yes you can! Just
need OVERDOSE STRONG spirit! The effort! Istiqamah! And support from 
someone that you love. Syukran mama and ayah for supporting along through
out this mission! Never stop to exercise! 

I admit it is NOT EASY to loss weight. Alhamdulillah! Recently, I can run on the treadmill with 90km/h. As fast as that. Without gasping for air and without the "BURNING" of my body.In KMB I often "visit" the gym and get my feet move
around the KMB jogging track with my cool friends ( Diana, Zizy, Iman, Sal,
Syaf, Dina, Mira Azmi, Putri and Atiyah) Thanks girls! I love you girls! 

Having a great time with them!

Never ever judge people appearance  because you never know why she/ he
becoming like that. or actually one is on a " big" mission. Exercising more
than others! stay healthy than others! 
You can do the change! The decision is in your hand!

The picture of me after SPM on vacation to Sabah.

The picture of me during the announcement of SPM result.
Just lost 4 kg at this time! Alhamdulillah ><

Mama and ayah. Your daughter becoming more healthy now! In sya allah

The new MIRA. With new spirit! 
Girls! I believe You can do it! Just believe in yourself!
Stay Healthy for our UMMAH.


  1. congrats :) keep up the good work!

  2. Hehehe... Thank you cikgu! Just a newbie in this blog. Hope to improve my english.
