Thursday, December 18, 2014

Syukran Ya Rabb

IB Travelogue 
~ SEM 1 Result~

Imagine myself sitting and watching the sunset,
Praising for the life he given me today.

Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah Al-Alim for the nikmat He gave to me.
So, the story today is about my SEM 1 result.
Being the first child and daughter in the family;
Makes me as their only HOPE;
Makes me as the role model to siblings, especially my sister as she admit it 
" Role model angah , along la...'
They were stunned,shocked, speechless and I can see mama face just turn to be different; TOTALLY different!

Before checking the result online on the KMB website, trying to relax myself;
I wrote this word on a piece of paper in front of my laptop.

The result is already written! Your target is above  35.What ever it is DO NOT BE SAD and JUST SMILE because:
YOU! Yourself know how much pile of exercises you answer for every single subjects, How much notes from the internet, the books, the email that you had revised, How struggle you are to get good grade in the topic test! How MANY times you meet the teachers, waiting for them in the staff room until you become shy with them. How you strive every single night, until you don't even know yourself, automatically changing your biological clock, still energetic without drinking any caffeine and sleep at 3 o'clock, which is NOT so you!
How many "project"  in surau that you do with your friend! Preparing for the notes and explaining to them. Doing the exercises and discussion together untill finally everybody has surrender, finally falling on the mat as it already sleeping time. How hard is you try to get use to the IB environment; the subjects, projects, teachers, friends and living in the hostel. How hard you try to arrange you timetable, BETWEEN yourself, parents and friends.
And the MOST important thing, How much Allah swt has bless you with all of His nikmat, from the day you are being accepted as KMB-ians, meeting new friends, giving you the BEST CLASS everh!!! The cooperation and help they gave to you ; actually the LOVE and their ACCEPTANCE to me, changing the way you are now, the way you think and deal with others, TOTALLY get rid of your SELFISHNESS that has been part of you! Sebati with you from elementary school. Allah swt has brought you to this place, getting the shine of ISLAM at KMB, that is the real and the first moment you realise "why I am Islam?" and most importantly "the purpose of my life". Alhamdulillah! He HAS GUIDED you during the exam! How he can HELP you to answer the question when it is just 5 minutes before the test end. Subhanallah! He is with you! You know it Mira... " He is INDEED the very and extremely best planner! Believe that!
As I click the button and search for my IC number....

My sem 1 result turn to be not so good. Not good enough for IB beginner!
I never expect that! Why I didn't get good grade even for my favourite subject; CHEMISTRY? Why?
I got good result in the other subject...
This is really a TEST! for me and for all of my friends that are in my condition.

Atiyah once said:
"I am grateful for my result because I still have the intention to WORK harder after this. Allah swt will NEVER neglect the one you STRIVE just FOR HIM!"
There you are! The strongest soldiers will have the hardest test! Which is really 
related to the HEART and how you encounter with the situation.

This result will be my GREATEST  "push" for me. During high school, " If you strive, 
then you get" AND Allah swt always bless me with excellent grade. 
Never  ever disappointed with my result

but now! I have to start REALLY from bottom! I must show to HIM  that A muslim never ever give up! No matter what happen! I want to pass this journey with all of my friends, not me ALONE  anymore, together with them we strive! 

STRUGGLE! we together!
LEARN, LAUGH, PLAY! we together!
CRY and SAD! we together!
ADVICE each other about Allah and ISLAM!
then.....WE MUST
PASS this IB programme TOGETHER!

lets sing together!
We're all in this together
And it;s shows 
When we stand
Hand in Hand
With Iman and Taqwa
Our dreams to achieve 45
In sya allah
come true...

I take this as a chance for me to thank my parents, mama, ayah, uwan, nenek,
all of my aunts and uncles for the dua and for supporting me! Throughout 
this time! Visiting me! Taking me when it is holiday! Care for me! 
Jazakillah hu khairan ( Only Allah can reward all of that).
SPECIAL THANKS  to my friends; M14 F  for the dua , the tips, the ideas, the 
food, and YOUR LOVE AND TIME you spent for me! Thank you for every single 
thing! You made me happy! I am grateful to have you girls! and guys....
Forgive me for my attitude. Kak long mintak maap adik2 ku! Halal kan ilmu mu
and May Allah bless you girls!
I LOVE YOU GIRLS !!!! and guys...... 
Tahniah for your result! I know each one of you has done the best! 
TOGETHER after this we strive for sem 2, becoming better and better!!!
Mari kita mengganas di KMB!!! Together after this! New spirit ! To be CLOSER
to Allah swt and Do just FOR ALLAH! In sya allah! and
THANKS to all of my friends SKMTUN, SMAP KAJANG and GAMBANG for the doa

As in the Quran: Surah Ali- Imran 3 verse 139

Never ever give up! Plan from now! Manage time well!
Action speaks louder than words!
We will do the best next time! In sya allah!

 Ya Allah! Guide us in this journey! Please forgive our parents, loves them, 
bless them, they have done everything for us. Ya Allah! ALL and EVERY  
single things that we do is just to get your blessing. Forgive us Ya Allah!
Please let this journey as IB students as the "WAY" to get your love.
Syukra Ya Rabb! We love you so much!


  1. Ya Allah! Syukran ummu! For everything! The dua and support! Rindu belajar ngan anti kat bilik PP. Huhu. Bile kita nak jumpa nih....
