Wednesday, December 10, 2014

IB programme in KMB

IB Travelogue 
~Introduction to IB~

Never knew what is IB programme in my entire life. 
"The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme " in Kolej Mara 
Banting (KMB).After getting my SPM result, Frankly, I was "addicted" in applying all of 
the scholarships. Always keep updated from and I have save every single information about the scholarships for me to always aware about the dateline, the result and interview date. 
I applied almost 9 scholarships with different courses; 

Engineering  - JPA, MJHEP (JAD)
Medicine       - MARA

Lately, starting 2014; many companies focused on the potential job in the future. There are bunch of scholarship for the engineering courses and accountancy.

My father once said;
"Wherever you go, You can achieve what you want, if you strive! Just believe in yourself ! You can do it! You are who you think!" 
So, whatever my courses is , I should strive for the best! In sya allah.
The day I became KMBians on 8th July 2014 as second intake student.
Whats with the IB program?

MARA offers scholarship for all of the SPM students to pursue their study in
many courses to the European countries; United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia 
In Kolej Mara Banting, only IB programme is offered with 2 years preparation; 
4 semester. 

Every semester is about for 4 to 5 months. Within these months, there will be
a semester break for one week. At the end of the fifth months, starting with 2 days study leave, examination will be held for 2 weeks.

For curriculum, there will be 6 subjects in this programme with 42 points altogether
Each subject carry 7 points; 85 and above.
~3 Subjects for Higher Level
~3 Subjects for Standard level

For medicine course, I am taking:

For IB core it include this 3 elements with 3 points altogether:
1) Extended essay, 4000 words, the topic from one of the six subjects
2) Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
3) Creative. Action. Service ( CAS)

Life at KMB
Alhamdulillah! Allahu akbar! I just finish my semester 1 at 28th December 2014.
Subhanallah! Semester 1 is totally great! And I have changed a lot!
From my point of view, this programme is the best ever!
It is dynamic and challenging! You have to be strong internally and externally to survive in this place.

Living in KMB, the class starts at 8 am until 2.20 pm. Currently, our director has
changed our timetable and made us starts at 7.30 am;reciting the MATHURAT in the Hall. With this new time table, I always aware with my sleeping time so that I will prepare myself early in the morning.

As a second intake student, with  other 26 friends, cabin is our class. The " M14F" class. The coolest class ever! We will be in this journey together for 4 semester 
and may our friendship last forever.

I am grateful to have them! They are incredible and amazing with all unique personality. There are 20 girls and 8 boys in my class. 

Ya Allah, thank you for everything, I believe there must be "hikmah" to be in
 this class, meeting all of these people and being in KMB. 
* this picture is the masterpiece of my sister and me...

In the class, There are 2 timetable for the curriculum subjects and it will alternately changed; 
During T1, the class ends at 1.30 pm everyday except for Monday because 
there will be a Mentor- Mentee session until 2.20 pm.
While T2, the class ends at 2.30 pm everyday except for Tuesday or Wednesday, 
will spent my entire day for CAS  activity and JPAM (marching)

For this semester, I have remedial class for Math and Chemistry every Monday 
at 3 pm until 4 pm. AND within this 1 hour period, I will sit for topic test. The
marks for this topic test will be carried in my semester exam. It is good!
Different from my high school, as the test will be held every 3 months. 

As I got more free time during T1, I will spend my evening, jogging with my 
friends on the track around KMB or if its raining, we will get to the gym every
Tuesday and Thursday. It was great to move my feet and stay healthy.

In KMB, each student has their own USRAH family, Conducted by 2 seniors and 
usually we meet every Friday at 12.30 pm until 1.30 pm.

Yes! It pretty much like getting back to  the school again. Calling the lectures 
" TEACHERS". There are 5 meals a day, outing overnight is allowed during the weekends only and you have to get yourself discipline or else you are in the 
hot soup.. and its boiling 100 Celcius...

How about the facilities? KMB got KFC! Really? It is KMB Food Court. Open 
everyday in the evening. The food is delicious and nice! We got KOPERASI. 
Many things are sold there and lastly KMB has DOBY service. I used to send 
my clothes twice a week.
"Dekat KMB ni, semua benda jadi; jerebu; kemarau berbulan- bulan sebab  air takde; serangan lalat.... Kalau tempat ni tak menjadikan awak kuat, cikgu tak tahu lah..."

So... This is the reality of KMB, my senior once said, KMB is like "Al- Kahfi" - the 
cave. The cave that save us from this "DYING" world. When it is the time you 
are in other country, that moment you realised how KMB has made you STRONG 
internally and externally. In sya allah.

And I more thing that I love about IB Programme is that... all information, notes, tonnes of exercise, tips, samples about IB or the subjects, just at your fingertips. JUST GOOGLE! 

Totally, being IB SURVIVOR in kmb turned me a lot to be a new person.  
I am so grateful for my fate to be here. Alhamdulillah.
Indeed, Allah swt is the best planner. =) 
It just the beginning of the chapter, there is a long journey to go



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