Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I watched Ratatouille!!!

Image result for ratatouille movie
2007 movie with rating of 8/10 about 
a rat name Remy who is very ambitious to change the world!
"I don't want to steal, I want to make things!"
He wants to be a chef!

Guess what! It was my first time watching Ratatuiii!!!
Okay! it is actually Ratatouille! Yeah!
I never watch it before! 
(My brother even laugh at me for my excitement while watching this movie)
And I am being so ANALYTICAL about this movie!
Wonderful experience!
I can see behind the plot. There is a message hidden there!
It was such a great process for me!
It was also the first time for me to analyse this movie into different perspectives
and brings it alive to this world.

What I mean by that is apply it and see the connection between the theory and 
the life.
Actually what I am writing about? There are so much thing going in my head. 
I just need to write and never “ backspace”
That how our life goes… move forward and never turn back again!
Yeah! It is so simple! Every day is a brand new day! For you to be closer to the Creator.
Allah Al- Mighty. In sya allah!

Okay go back to Ratattuiiiii
Well what I can see through the plot, there are a theme that appears 
dominantly for me

1) Discrimination
I questioned myself why the colour of the rat is black? Not white? 
Or it is the nature of the rats living in the drain must be black in colour?

Then, it suit with my opinion, which the black rat symbolizes the black people
or specifically to the African community. 
During the 1960, the Apartheid Law for the African has made them under 
the discrimination of British. Because of their skin colour, they are seen as 
disgusting, defenseless, and underprivileged and they are treated as slave. 
They are nobody and meaningless to the world. 
We discriminate people and abandoned them!
Same goes to the rat, the animals that live in dirty place and 
their appearance it being hate. 
However, to think it logically, when we sees rat our first reaction is either 
to scream or kill them. 
Oh! Sorry rat! Your presence may bring harm with all of the bacteria 
next to your toes.

The author really wants to criticize how the community actually react
in front of the African and being so prejudiced to them. 
They have no place in this community.

Out of sudden, my brain switch to a different perspective. 
Can I dig into the political side?
Remy (the rat) is not welcomed by human. But, because of his talent to cook,
with the ability to trace poisonous food, he managed to innovate the recipe. 
Then, it becoming the Unit Selling Point ( USP ) for the Restaurant. 
Everyone loves it!

This story, if we brings it to the real world, then, same goes to Barack Obama, 
which now the president of United States of America, the first black
people representative! 
With his ability, he is accepted by the community and becoming one 
of the most influencing man in this world.

Okay. This theme, is only my opinion and perspective. Thanks for reading!

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