Saturday, July 30, 2016

How to score A in Extended Essay (3. Abstract)

In the name of Allah, the most compassionate and the most merciful

The simplest thing about abstract?

Abstract is a BRIEF SUMMARY of your EE as the word limit is 300.
Should be written in progress not at the end of thesis as you need to fill all the elements while conducting the investigation.

Elements in Abstract?

a) Main objective
b) Explaining key terms ( focus on the Islamic term) 
c) Methodology 
         - Quantitative or Qualitative
         - Population ( How many respondents ? who are they?)
d) Outcome 
e) Conclusion 

Example using my EE

RQ : To what extent does Hijab can contributes to the Islamophobia level of Non- Muslim students in UTM?

* kindly please ask for my permission to share the images on whatsapp.
* hope you understand. =) 

Advice to explain important key terms
- Read the facts
- Understand
- explain using your own words, because EE is all about originality. Use ideas from book/ researcher but explain using your own way, your own touch.

later, in the other post I will share on the method to rephrase sentence to produce your own word.

Hope this post help you a lot

Mangat selalu! =)

How to score A in Extended Essay (2. Operational Framework and Dateline)

In the name of Allah the most compassionate and most merciful

So what is operational framework?
This framework consist of important steps as a guideline for you to keep your momentum to write this essay

Yes! Writing needs a momentum. Write even a few words or lines every day. Don’t skip!

Hence, to keep the momentum, you should set a dateline and try to meet the date!

Surely, you will be a very discipline person and reward yourself whenever you have made it! Yeah!

IB is all about instilling good character in you! Build it from now.
You can also apply this framework in IA and perhaps in your career.

Procrastinating work! I know it is very hard! But I witnessed how an excellence person like my fellow friend Shahirah Isnin, grab the opportunity and be the first in everything that she did. Never procrastinate! I admire her so much!

So here is the operational framework, a simple flow chart
This is one of the example of my operational framework

Why should I do this?

So that you know  what you should do next ( For the beginner)
as well as your progress and to avoid from work redundancy.
It is easy. just sketch your flow of investigation and set the date.

And, change yourself!

~ Good luck!

How to score A in extended essay (1. Research Question)

In the name of Allah, the most compassionate and the most merciful

Hello there, this post actually is a wake up call for me to share my knowledge and skills for my beloved juniors in Kolej MARA Banting who are struggling to score A in extended essay in the IB programme. These are some of the details about my EE

Subject : World Religion
Topic    : Islamophobia and Hijab (headscarf)
Title     : To what extent does Hijab can contribute to the Islamophobia level of Non- Muslim students in University Technology Malaysia?
IB result: A (32 Points)

Though our subject in EE might be different, but I will share the general knowledge that I gained from my advisors to score each element in this mini thesis. I guarantee that you can apply this knowledge for your master thesis and also pHD. It is a very basic knowledge and core info that you have to know in order to get it right.

Any problem  you can leave a comment or call me directly or send me an email
I am glad to help you out. Chaiyok!

Okay, there are several components which are very important in your mini thesis. 
( you can click on the component to visit directly to the post)

1. Research Question + Operational Framework
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature Review
5. Methodology
6. Result & Analysis
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion
9. Reference

Today, I will start with the structure of the research question.  

1. Concept of " How does" and " To what extent"

So what to do now?
Once you finish your EE, read it all over again and ask yourself
- Did my EE give me something new? Then you should choose " How does"
- Am i able to argue with all my findings? if yes, Then you should choose " To what extent"

Why it is so important?
- Because the reader will expect more when you use the word " To what extent"
- The word hint the reader about the concept of your EE

So... choose wisely.

Thursday, July 21, 2016



Fight song - Rachel platten
This is my fight song!
Take back my life song!
Prove I'm alright song!
My power's turned on!
Starting right now I'll be strong!
I'll play my fight song!
And I don't really care if nobody else believes!
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me!

Setiap pagi akan ku buka lagu ini sebelum ke kelas di kmb. Supaya aku sentiasa bersemangat! Positive! And happy ! Untuk menuntut ilmu.

Terkadang mengalir air mataku sambil mendengar lagu ini apabila kurasakan betapa sukarnya menghadapi IB ini.

4 IA s , EE , tok essay , tok presentation , essays, cas charity service, fund raising , quiz,
Yeah!!! There are always positive vibes and strong spirit in yourself that need to be warmed up so that it burn as the main fuel in your everyday life!
To achieve your dream!

This song meant everything to me!!!
I told myself everyday that I must fight!!! Never give up!
Sampai jadi lagu alarm la. Hehe

And this Verse from Quran Al- Kareem : made me even stronger. Surah Ali Imran 3: 160

If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you,
who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely. 
Wahai adik- adik dan semua para pembaca.
Peganglah ayat ini! Selalu cakap kat hati dan sentiasa percaya bahawa
Jika Allah swt membantuku, maka tidak akan ada yang dapat mengalahkanku, tetapi, jika Allah swt membiarkanku, maka tidak akan ada yang dapat membantuku. Hanya pada Allah swt aku bergantung segalanya!
Itu lah yang aku buat. Percaya dan Yakin!

And after 2 years
Alhamdulillah. The IB result is the best gift from ALLAH SWT.
Thank you mama ayah, my siblings, my relatives, my teachers, my friends and everyone that come to support me and thank you for all the doa.
My irpmates, usrahmates, talammates, member blok E, M14F.
Thank you!!!
May Allah swt grant you his blessing and hanya Allah yang dapat membalasnya.

Dr. Amirmudin bin Udin & Pn. Suzana binti Mohd. Sidek you are the most important people for me!!! I am nobody without you.

Selamat hari raya semua!!!

Officially an IB survivor May 2016.

Alhamdulillah, I am currently studying in Royal College Surgeon in Ireland, Dublin
Alhamdulillah, I also done my first year of medical school with great results.
Looking forward for more adventure! 
Lead and guide me Ya Allah 

Saturday, July 2, 2016





Yes! Thats is my nickname! 

Taken from my father's name, Dr. Amirmudin

For certain people it is rude to call someone by his father's name.

But actually the name means everything to me.

The name made who I am.

First daughter of Amirmudin
and this name reminds me of my father
wherever I go.
As I feel my father just beside me
and he is always there to support all of my decisions

This name pretty much reminds me

of my KMB friends.
All of them!
how they used to call me "Mudin" when my father was around me
and how people who does not know me, thinks that I am a guy
Yeah! I am in disguise of my own name

It is great to be unknown!

The more " title"  we have and the more we reveal about our background
The more people will expect from us
and well... the more people will judge us.
That is indeed the hypothesis, and that is the nature of this world

Everything that we do is the evidence to the state of our heart

Allah swt stated in Al- Quran Al Kareem
in Surah Al- Hujurat 49 verse 13

Mashallah, despite our differences

Yup! The most noble person, is the one who has taqwa.
Taqwa is when you obey Allah swt and avoid from doing haram things
which had mentioned
in the Quran and Sunnah

From now on, I am going to open a new chapter in my life

being a grown up
and in sya allah with Allah swt permission and blessings
I hope that I can gain more experience in other country
IB  result is just 3 days away.
Gulp gulp
I will meet new people and live in new environment
Thus, I should apply the verse in my daily life

In everything that you do...

Do it will all your heart and effort!
Just to please Allah swt.
And rely only on him


Just be yourself
(yang banyak cakap and selalu buat kecoh)
( yang tegas dan tak pandai buat lawak)

Be Just be who you are.

and do enjoy every moments in your life.