Wednesday, June 24, 2015


2nd day of Semester 3
Malay Class, Pn. Juliana


I was kind of excited to make my ball pen start working out.
It was the only opportunity for me to expressed all the things
that pacing, playing, staying in my head.

Too much story for the past two weeks after registration for Semester 3
It was kind of hollow there! Barren! Nothing in my heart!
and even more worse, 
It is RAMADHAN! The month of blessings and to teach our Nafs.
Maybe; there are too much sin that I COMMITTED
YA! it is a lot! Especially with human.
and I was driven by condition to write this poem in the Malay class just 
after teacher Jue instructed to do so.


Boleh aku kata
menjadi manusia itu bukan mudah
Dilihat; diteliti dan dikritik
menjadi hiprokrit itu
 amatlah perit sekali 

Boleh aku kata
menjadi manusia itu amatlah rumit
hati perasaan insan lain
perlu dijaga;
Sehingga dirimu yang merana 
terima; tolak mahupun abaikan
itulah pilihan yg sukar

Boleh aku kata
menjadi manusia itu anugerah
kerana hidupmu penuh dengan cabaran
setiap detik dan kisahmu dihiasi dengan warna
Biru, Merah, Kuning, Hitam, Putih
warna yang sebenarnya datang dari air matamu sendiri.

Boleh aku kata
menjadi manusia itu 
antara dirimu
Amanah atau kepentingan diri

Boleh aku kata
menjadi manusia itu
kita punya perasaan
kasih sayang, persahabatan, percintaan
amat rapuh, tidak kekal
mungkin berubah

Boleh aku kata
menjadi manusia itu
adalah membuat pilihan
Perubahan atau Ketetapan
Ia ada ditanganmu!

Menjadi manusia
boleh aku kata 
Itulah aku!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

I never deserved that!

IB Travelogue
SEM 2 result is OUT!

Subhanallah! the whole week! I kept on thinking about my result. 
Asking Allah swt to give me the strength. To IKHLAS all my effort!
All the time I spent to seek his ilmu, the knowledge!
The moment I clicked on the link Kolej Mara Banting, My heart pounding! Very fast! 
My head spinning lah. Huh! How worried I am on that moment.
Searching for my IC Number.
My tears burst. It was a different experienced for me compared to the last time (Sem 1 result)

 It is not about the result! not about that!
We are living in this world, given breath by him. 
Just to find ALLAH'S love and
just to know him closer. 

We are nobody friend. 
without his blessings. we are not special!
Ya Allah! I never deserved what I achieved today!
I have a lot ! So much! SIN to you!
If compared to my result
Who am I to get that privilege? 
I am just nobody. 
A person who full of Sin!

There are a lot of nikmat you have given to me!
Too many! Too much!
Your love, everything!
Thank you ya Allah swt for your blessings

All I can say, this whole sem 2, taught me
to always stay close to Allah!
Sacrifice time just for Allah!
Always remember the goal in my life!
To seek his blessings
Always IKHLAS in every matter that I do!
To always fight against my desire
Doing bad things
To always think beyond the limit, the hikmah!
To always stay strong! Stronger internally!

Yes! this whole sem is the summarization of my journey 
to find the new me.
to develop my inner strength
to Always! Always! Always! believe in HIM.
ask, cry, story all of your harship only to HIM
In sya allah!

IB is the academy to shape a strong muslimah internally and externally!
In sya allah!
Stay strong babeh! 
Stay strong!
Depends only on Allah swt!

Reminds me to always reflect on who I am to
questioned all the things that happen to me.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I watched Ratatouille!!!

Image result for ratatouille movie
2007 movie with rating of 8/10 about 
a rat name Remy who is very ambitious to change the world!
"I don't want to steal, I want to make things!"
He wants to be a chef!

Guess what! It was my first time watching Ratatuiii!!!
Okay! it is actually Ratatouille! Yeah!
I never watch it before! 
(My brother even laugh at me for my excitement while watching this movie)
And I am being so ANALYTICAL about this movie!
Wonderful experience!
I can see behind the plot. There is a message hidden there!
It was such a great process for me!
It was also the first time for me to analyse this movie into different perspectives
and brings it alive to this world.

What I mean by that is apply it and see the connection between the theory and 
the life.
Actually what I am writing about? There are so much thing going in my head. 
I just need to write and never “ backspace”
That how our life goes… move forward and never turn back again!
Yeah! It is so simple! Every day is a brand new day! For you to be closer to the Creator.
Allah Al- Mighty. In sya allah!

Okay go back to Ratattuiiiii
Well what I can see through the plot, there are a theme that appears 
dominantly for me

1) Discrimination
I questioned myself why the colour of the rat is black? Not white? 
Or it is the nature of the rats living in the drain must be black in colour?

Then, it suit with my opinion, which the black rat symbolizes the black people
or specifically to the African community. 
During the 1960, the Apartheid Law for the African has made them under 
the discrimination of British. Because of their skin colour, they are seen as 
disgusting, defenseless, and underprivileged and they are treated as slave. 
They are nobody and meaningless to the world. 
We discriminate people and abandoned them!
Same goes to the rat, the animals that live in dirty place and 
their appearance it being hate. 
However, to think it logically, when we sees rat our first reaction is either 
to scream or kill them. 
Oh! Sorry rat! Your presence may bring harm with all of the bacteria 
next to your toes.

The author really wants to criticize how the community actually react
in front of the African and being so prejudiced to them. 
They have no place in this community.

Out of sudden, my brain switch to a different perspective. 
Can I dig into the political side?
Remy (the rat) is not welcomed by human. But, because of his talent to cook,
with the ability to trace poisonous food, he managed to innovate the recipe. 
Then, it becoming the Unit Selling Point ( USP ) for the Restaurant. 
Everyone loves it!

This story, if we brings it to the real world, then, same goes to Barack Obama, 
which now the president of United States of America, the first black
people representative! 
With his ability, he is accepted by the community and becoming one 
of the most influencing man in this world.

Okay. This theme, is only my opinion and perspective. Thanks for reading!