Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Interview Program Ijazah Dalam dan Luar Negara dan Cemerlang IPMa sesi 2014/ 2015

MARA interview 
April 26, 2014

I still remember that moment. It was a year ago. 
Being the SPM leaver, I spent almost 3 months of my time just to fill up
the scholarship forms,
I did it all by myself. Just getting the opinion from my parents about
important things.

Went to the interview session, met with a lot of incredible people.
Developing my ability to give opinion  and express my thought.
The important thing is the CONFIDENT and POSITIVE THINKING.

I was in Kolej MARA Banting, the last place for my interview 
as this was the last scholarship I applied, the tenth one.
after Maybank, Petronas, JAD-MJHEP, Yayasan Khazanah, IPG, JPA and others
and this was the only scholarship that offered medicine course.
Which is SO Me!!! Who loves to interact with others. 
and LOVES to help people.

It was my only hope! the last opportunity for me to do my very best.
A day before the interview, I stayed at one of the hotel near KMB.
That night, it was a stage where I nearly gave up.
I failed in the Petronas interview which was being held at UTM, Kuala Lumpur.

but, it was not the end of the world. 
" Tomorrow will be my day! My day! In sya allah!"

The attire for tomorrow is sport attire?
Are we going to have a physical test? Just like IPG?
Everyone in the SBP group keep on wondering,
Guessing what will be the activity.
If it is a physical test; I would love it so much!
I have lost a lot of weight during the past 3 months.
Yes! Hopefully I can do my best. Being active and energetic.

Then, the day come. It was Saturday morning, 
Wearing my sport shoes, my heart was pounding as I was extremely nervous
Extrapolating to the maximum level.
8 am in the morning. We were required to gather in the hall
Wow! Subhanallah! There are too many people!
Too many students!
and absolutely!
Too many competitors!
I guessed it was about 200+. Just for Medicine course to Ireland!
Only 60 student will be chosen.

Is it possible for me?
Yes! In sya allah! Just be myself.

Okay, my interview session was at 12 noon. 
We were divided into a group of 10 members.
The interview 100% in English Language.
The first interview was:

1) Group discussion 
We were given a picture of a respectful leader.
It was our former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir!
My idol! He was great! hehe I adore him so much!

Then, the interviewers which were actually the lecturer itself asked us to 
discuss about Tun Dr. Mahathir's contributions to our country.
It was a very broad discussion. My group-mate provided a lot of information
and we talked comfortably.

Basically, that aim of this activity is to evaluate our soft skills in communication
and our knowledge about this country. About what was currently happened in this 
world or precisely about the global issues.

2) Individual Response
The interviewer asked 1 question to each one of us but differ from others.
As far as I remember it was about the Islamic teaching.
Which was totally surprised us!
We were questioned with:
Groupmate 1: Opinion about Hudud
Groupmate 2 :5 pillar of Islam in english
Groupmate 3: Reciting doa qunut
Groupmate 4: Which is me! Hehe. about why I wear Hijab
Groupmate 5: Rakaat in Solat Jenazah

I am sorry, I can remember only this 5 questions. But, some of us can't answer
the question completely. Maybe because she/ he was so nervous.

You know what? Just relax and answer what you have in mind. Take a minute, construct your sentence and go for it! Confidently! Yeah!
Show them that you can  do it!

3) Group activity
We were given 5 minutes of break. During this moment, there was an evaluation 
form. We need to evaluate our friend' s performance for the 2 previous activity.
Fuh! It was not easy at all because they were my competitors.
But, I believe if you help people, then Allah swt will ease your way to get the scholarship. In sya allah.

Okay, our last activity, was the climax of this interview
as it was the answer to our sport attire!
We gonna play a game!
It was called a " Shrinking blanket"
A piece of paper will be folded up to the smallest length
Then, we have to figure out the way to make sure
No toe touch the ground.
It was impossible right?

From 10 members we were divided into 3 groups.
And at a certain period the game was on with songs and excitement.
Then, as the game end, we sat on the chair giving our own reflections 
of the activity.

The reflection will be about the leadership, teamwork, tolerance and wisdom.

It was an experience for me. Flashing back this wonderful time.
Make me realize how grateful I am to be in KMB now
pursuing in International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
for Medicine course.

and with that! I will strive till the end in this journey. Amin!

My 10 groupmate! Our memory together will never fade away!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

KMB Student Conference 2015

IB Travelogue 
7th March 2015
KMB Student Conference 2015
Concorde Inn, Sepang

Credit to my beloved friend: Diana Farhana for the photo 

" Empowering the Spirit of Young Researchers"

They are remarkable! and Awesome!
Are they human or what?
Totally! their own masterpiece has explained everything!
I ADORE them! Subhanallah!
If they did it. Then, absolutely I can do it!
Go Mira Mudin! Caiyok!

So. I was in KMB Student Conference programme yesterday. 
It was a platform for the second year students (2013-2015) to share their
experience in writing the extended essay or we can called  it the " mini thesis". 

The extended essay helps KMB students a lot! 
It is all about:-
How to find the right sources while writing; 
significant of applying academic honesty; 
using the appropriate words in presenting the idea;
and most importantly exposing the students to the true university 
life which requires us to conduct our own research. 

To be always concern about the world and problem faced by the society. 
This 4000 words of essay  is  the mechanism used to discover the problem of
the world and to close the gap by providing ways or products or model. 

Fuh! All of the facts; obviously describe how the extended essay has
developed the critical thinking in each of the IB students.
Congratulations and a round applause to the senior for their triumph in 
completing the most challenging stage in IB programme.

The program starts around 9.30 am with the keynote from vice president of 
Kolej Poly- Tech Mara Dr. Wan Sabri Wan Hussin. 

The things that captured me the most is " Reading will change everything"
Seeking knowledge; strive in the battle of knowledge is more POWERFUL than
just sit and hear. 

Being students for almost 12 years ( 7- 19 years old). I realised that
I have spent my time to learn; to gain knowledge. Go to school, Hear for the
lesson given by teacher. Close the book. Doing the homework 
and Go to school back. 

Throughout these years. Actually we are gaining the knowledge from others.
It is good! But it will be more fantastic to seek the knowledge by our own.
Seeking is to search the knowledge with our interest and passion about it.

Or I can give example of me. I want to seek the knowledge that beyond my
ability just for my own needs. Then, it will be fun to learn it. In sya allah! 
I would love to learn about tafsir Alquran; azbabul nuzul ayat and many 
more about our beautiful religion. ISLAM. =)

I just wanna to stress that seeking knowledge, sincere and passion about it, 
then, what ever encounter or hold you back; it will never stop you from 
achieving your goal. In sya allah!

Back to the student conference.

The seniors is super duper cool! I attended Parallel Session 3 because I am
doing my EE in World Religion. In sya allah.

I will show you their EE research questions.
Watch and learn yo!

The fifth one is fantastic. I was stunning and speechless while listening to 
his presentation. hehehe

Here are "some" pictures in the Concorde Inn. It was fun; meaningful and unforgotten experience everh!
Thanks friend for the lovely photos and especially to the owner of my tudung! 
Thanks friend.
May our friendship is blessed by Allah swt. Amin.

Stay strong and Stay cool.
It is just a beginning and a lots more to achieve.
Remember the goal and
Strive till the end!