Saturday, February 21, 2015

My first poem! " Between the time"

"Between the time"

Between  the time 
Tick Tok
Tick Tok

You are on your way
To fulfill your desire
To achieve a mission
The demanding success 

Between the time
You are just a player
The game of prejudiced
Being told what to do!
what to be! How to act!
How about your own identity
Never being developed
or actually being discovered

Between the time
You might get hurt
of your own mistake
People never ever wonder
How pathetic and miserable
is it to reach until this level
You must struggle
Just to get self satisfaction
or precisely; others perception

Between the time
You might get lost
of actually what to gain
in this  piteous world.
Is it the only path?
the only way?
Am I stuck at the end?
Or this way leads
to another way?
To other world
That never be seen?

Between the time
You might get confused!
Of who you are now
Devoting yourself
all the responsibility 
that burdens you
Causing you to forget
what is it like to be human
The mankind with feeling
Sense of empathy towards others
To help them, to guide them
Not just your beloved one
How about the "other" brothers

Between the time
You can't even differentiate
between the rocks and diamond
between reality and fantasy
and between living and dying
The world may be mean to you
Cruel enough to make you think
that nobody understands me
nobody can helps me
nobody with me!

Between the time
You might find the 
emptiness inside;
at the bottom of your soul
even now you are superb
of your own temptation
even you are surrounded by 
all the person you loves
so much until your end
It is so complex feeling
To describe how hollow;
barren; blank; and desolate
your heart is
because there is only one thing!

Between the time
The one thing 
That could change you
Becoming who you suppose to be
Eliminating and deleting
the world stereotype
The one thing that can lead to the peace

Between the time
It is not to late
Slowly; even pacing with all determination
Longing for the feeling of devoted
All you have to do is to seek
Might be the last temptation after all


When I was in secondary school, I keep on wondering about all of
the poem in the syllabus written by Shakespeare; 

I wonder what was the exact message?
Why did he write that?
What if actually there is a hidden message?
How can he write such a great poem?
and become masterpiece of his own?

In my point of view, the writer has express all of his feelings and thoughts
As a reader, I never understand what the message are. ( laughing )
It is all ups to the reader and philosopher to interpret  the poem
Either good or bad
Either beneficial or not

Finally! I have written my first poem. Not really a poem.  But I want it to be
my poem. >.<

Genuinely from me as someone who loves to share my thought. No doubt,
I need to practice more by using precise word. 
Well, I leave it to your own interpretation 
Feeling it!
Enjoy it!
Figure it out!
There is a hidden message there.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Stay Strong!

IB Travelogue
2nd February 2015
4th week of Sem 2
indescribable how peaceful 
it is; at this moment (3 am)
Only me and Allah swt

Alhamdulillah. All praises to the ONLY Almighty Allah swt. 
He gave us soul and life to live in this wonderful world.
He knows the best. He knows each one of us.
whats in your heart, the happiness, the sorrow, 
only He understands what is happening to us.
because He is our Creator!

We are totally clueless about our future
How we might end up; either
Holding really tight on the rope 
that will save us,
riding back to the Jannah.
The Paradise that is
our main goal in this life.


Get stuck in the barrier of the Dunya. 
That kills us, make us astray from

We are now, standing here,
looking; observing; how wonderful 
All of His Creation

Because ALLAH SWT is our Creator, because He LOVES us
Like an inventor to his masterpiece robot;
Allah swt provides us with the complete manual
The book that every single words in it,
Every single letter. 
Shows significantly, ultimately, and wholesome
Guidance for us.

The HADITH that 
explain in detail 
the message in Al- Quran
The reminder for us every single day.
about Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him)

In Surah Al- Baqarah 2 verse 284:  

To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth.
Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it, Allah will 
bring you to account for it. Then He will forgive whom He wills and
punish whom He wills, and Allah is over all things competent.

Allah is over all things competent! He knows what in your heart;


Subhanallah! Almost 1 months! or precisely 4 WEEKS; I survive in KMB.

At this moment, today is the only chance i got to continue writing and
expressing my thought on the "JOURNAL of IB SURVIVOR"

Living in IB, oh well I can say! absolutely challenging
I am on my way to " coagulate" my strength to accept the mission 
that has been assigned by Allah swt.
"Precipitate" of the works, LOADED and MASSIVE !
Internal Assessment-  MATH, CHEM, BIO, Business Management
Written Assignment- English and Malay
and Extended Essay
Make me saturated! OVER saturated with the Dunya

Still arranging my routine in KMB.
Focus to get good grade. 6 in every subjects. In sya allah!

Basically, Sem 2 result is really important as it is used
for predicted grade by the subjects teacher.

and determine whether we will get the offer letter from the 

Summary of weeks:
2st week of January:
-Returning back exam paper. Having discussion with teachers
and peers.
-Extended Essay briefing

3rd week of January  
- Correction with the exam papers
- Deciding my EE subjects
- Facing a lot of difficulties in determining the RQ
- Trigger many topics including World Studies, World Religion and English
 Sending proposal to Ustazah Asyiqin! I am doing World Religion! Yeay!
Topic: Islamophobia and Hijab

4th week of January
- Lesson begins. 
- Class based project discussion and fund raising
- Designing experiment
Remedial class

1st week of February
- Changing my RQ and scope of research.
- Pray for me! 
- Today is Thaipusam holiday. Going to do some revision on the subjects


It is really important to bear in mind that:
Pray, Hope, Strive, ONLY for Allah swt!
Ask EVERYthing, ANYthing to HIM
He is always be there with me! With everybody!
Waiting for MY dua'. 
To stay strong! To be the best
Asking for His bless in my journey to achieve 45 in IB.