Saturday, December 26, 2015


Delete it!
Everyone should watch this powerful video

We missed a lot of wonderful things. Feeling sad about myself
How I have wasted my time scrolling and liking pictures on Instagram account
Feeling contented as there are many people liking my photos

Just now, on 26th December 2015.
I realised that this is not my world. This is not what I wanted.
We used to be known by people, 
" to share" is just an excuse to myself satisfaction 
Actually, I wanna " to be known by the people of Dunya"

Yes. we took for granted all people around us, 
the one that always be with us
love us, hoping us to hug and spend time with them

look up from your phone. put it away. Shut it down!


as I want to find a better side of me
and the most importantly finding a path 
so that I can be known by the people of Akhirat

Bye social media! Bye world! 
I wanna create my own world! Which much more interesting than liking photos 
and chatting with people

Because I gonna love people that really know myself and appreciate me.



Monday, December 21, 2015

1,2,3 Semester di Kolej MARA Banting (KMB)

The reason why I am writing this blog entry after 4 months missing from 
this cloud world.

Well. Assalamualaikum everyone. 
May Allah Al- Mighty bless you guys and brighten your day. Yeay
Peace be upon our lovely Prophet Muhamad  for the Islam and Faith 
Al- fatihah to the most supportive parents ; mama and ayah

Honestly, I kind of lost my ability to write. 
I  had once love and enjoy writing to express my thoughts and feelings
Maybe, I guess I was too focused writing the assignments instead of spending 
my time in blog

So, this is the wrap up for my journey in KMB,
the truth of becoming and IB student!
IB is a mysterious path that  lead you to discover the light in 
the darkness of heart

The sorrow, hollow, and tears! 
Not to forget to mention
The joy, feeling contented and the smile!

 Yeah! Dealing with variety of emotions
Crazy ha!
Either you stand or lose?
It is a battleship!

Hahaha... Takut tak IB ni?
Yes? No?

I promise you!
it is a wonderful journey of knowing yourself before anyone else!
Worth it! You will never regret  

So lets begin 

Semester 1: July 2014
 #Finding Nemo
So, this semester is about finding you! Why?
Because you are human that always change! If that so; you can also adapt!
Common thing to say, when you are in new place, there will be new 
rules, room, food menu, class, teacher, and  friend.
Nah! Now you know who you are
I mean all the thoughts in your head;can be good or bad
You can be rebellious sometimes 
But it is fine because human full of principles. 

We have different life stories;  stop judging someone based on their appearance
They are also human; a creation that is hard to understand, or I can say special.
It just that God has created that way so that you can learn from others!
Man! life is too short! because of that;everyone that you meet should be 
a mining site. Dig all the good things from them. 
your life will be better!

So,chill out and please mingle with everybody. 
Treat them equally as you want for yourself
I understand some might annoyed you but give them chance!
Try to know and learn their attitude
Take a lot of pictures! Create as many as enjoyable memory with them
(Frankly I have almost 1800 photos only for this sem)
One more, work with everyone especially in presentation or in chemistry lab

All I know, It is about finding friend that can get along with you.
But it is not the main topic of this semester because I used to be independent.
So lets turn to education!
What about it? Hmm yeah!!! the programme itself ! 
It is so unique that I know you will never understand at first!
What is this? How is the assessment! New and totally different from Malaysia 
educational system.
You know what! Alhamdulillah and you should be glad! You are going to train
yourself to be open- minded person; which I think that this programme is the 
best for students that going to pursue their studies in oversea. Yeah! Watch me! 
(Read story in Sem 2 & 3)

So. firstly, you have to explore what is your learning style?
Vision, Audio 
Like for me, it is all about hardworking! Exercise and consulting teachers
Once you don't know please make yourself free during the afternoon
Dating with them for the sake of knowledge. Yeah!
It is true! You get the advantage. You get more information that what in the class
Pn Mazlina ( my chemistry teacher) once told me that

 " The teacher are willing and glad to help the weak student or any student larh. As long as they have the effort to come and see the teacher"
See! Teachers are not monster. They dont eat people. Just admit okay!
You have forgot all the mathematical steps and forgot all! huhuhu
Just meet them and ask for their guidance to help you
Even you will get scold by them. Be patience and enjoy your  life in Sem 1
Easy ha?

Result sem 1 : 33 point

Okay! I wanna share my experince and I have discovered a lesson from my result. 
Firstly, I admit that it is hard to accept this result. I questioned myself!
Not easy okay!
Because of what?
because reflecting my life in semester 1 : read link All things that I have done 
I realised that it is not all about effort. Man jadda wa jada.
Who strive he get it. It sunnatullah.
But, there is something! The element is missing. 
Allah swt wants me to treasure it, discover it! 
Yeah. What else we need after all the burning candles and doa?
Hmmm. So my journey to search this precious lesson continues in Sem 2

" Effort + Doa + _______ = Success "

Semester 2 :  January 2015

#I found you!
Owh, in this sem, starts all the brainstorming, People can be mean this time.

Image result for life is a race 3 idiots quotes

We fought for the idea, all you know that you are the last one consulting for
Research Question (RQ), pity of you.

You get EE. What else in line? Okay.. all the briefing for IAs starts now.
Ahah! Written assignment Malay, TOK presentation preparation
at the same time you have to strive for semester 2 result
It is important for predicting result ( University application)

We also fought for advisors. What?
Worse ha! They are not mean. They are wise! Take the opportunity. 
They run for it... or otherwise you will be like the undaa, 
(in 3 idiot story means broken bird eggs, they will not hatch)
Bye! Bye!

I am a little bit depressed at this time as I was not like others
Just pop put the idea.
Is there one? Or they are actually struggling to find idea?
Maybe. Allah knows what they have done for that RQ.
Lets focus to myself

I got rejected twice in front of many students.
For almost a month I sought for the best RQ for my EE
Improvised it almost 3 times
I even recorded myself in front of computer
(explaining how difficult to form the RQ)
Can be mental sometimes. haha. Actually I kind of a sentimental person. 
Love to keep all the important moment that made my life

I was very grateful to have this one man
Standing by me. Always be with me!
All the time.
Yeah thats it! I called them everyday.Once.
Telling them my condition. Keep in touch with them.
Mama and ayah

I even got help from a very wonderful friend. 
Not to mention her because she just so kind!
(May Allah swt ease your journey girl! Ameen)
I started to plan one month earlier
One week for one subject.
It worked! Bundle of seniors papers. Get thorough it.

Result sem 2 : 35 point
Summary of what I felt for this result : read link I never deserved this
I am not the right person to say about this. But one thing I wanna share
IKHLAS your heart. Go beyond that. 
Okay. This is  my question:

"How to be ikhlas in learning/ belajar?"
Do it because of Allah!


Hold on!

How to know either you sincere or not?


You don't hope for the reply from others
Yes! Tidak meminta apa-apa balasan.

Hmm.. Tapi kita belajar betol- betol nak dapatkan result yang baik

Betol itu. benar.

But the question is after all the good result;

Is that all?

Is that all life is about?

Setiap amalan kita perlu diupgrade.
Dulu masa zaman kecil, betul kita buat demi pahala
demi fadhilatnya
Dan bila meningkat dewasa, jom kita tingkatkan segala ibadah kita
HANYA pada Allah swt.

So...I found IKHLAS!

" Effort + Dua + Ikhlas = Success "

The entire one months.I revise all for Allah swt, My God.

Ya Allah aku belajar ini keranamu
Aku tidak mengharapkan apa-apa
Aku berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menjalankan 
amanahku sebagai seorang pelajar

It just like there was a barrier for me to study just for the good result
A solid wall that become a veil from seeing the good result as my aim
All I know I have to please Allah! Study betol- betol!
And bertawakal padanya.

Belajar, belajar and belajar

No no no honor point

Just learn okay. Enjoy it.

All of the group discussions
Dont put too much pressure on yourself
Chill man!
But don't take for granted..

Huhuhu..It kind of hard to explain. 

I am sorry.. ( you can leave comment asking me to explain deeper)
But this is the thing that I did.
Alhamdulillah for the wonderful result.

I tell you! IB is the journey of heart!
Realise something?
There is one more that I need to learn 

"Effort + Doa + Ikhlas + Tawakkal = Sucess"

Semester 3: July 2015
# The dark side 
It is sooo dark. No light! It hard and full of thorns,stones that gonna hurt you.
So badly! I am not talking about semester 3.
I am talking about your heart! My heart to be precise
No! Everyone heart! 
Psycho dia ni. Tidak Tidak.
Just creating drama. 

This semester is about supporting each other! 
Thinking about others
Or about you?
To be honest! It is the semester of emotion.
You too busy striving for dunya that you forget about akhirat
Sometimes. Lets reflect.. Okay. Solat done! Al- Quran done! Do good deed done!
Whatelse? Hmmmm

I felt hollow inside. (Apalagi dia ni.. Tadi psycho)
Something is missing.
I have done all the good thing and make it as routine
It hurt me so much that I cannot taste the sweetness of faith
Allahu akbar
It is the worst thing that happen to me, okay!
As analogy
This is chocolate. or ice cream. or imagine something with flavour
you eat it , sip it,
But, It is tasteless!
What happen to the tongue
It is not the food, but it is the organ, your taste bud
Cannot feel it anymore
Awful and tragic!

I tell you,
I have became heartless,
Because I was under pressure,
with all the EE and redundancy of IA works, TOK presentation/ essay.
Maybe my fault! 
Time management I guess
or Discipline!

I dont know why, but I need to tell you guys this story as a lesson
I was a monster that in hunger
I burst my anger to one of my best friend
for making noise in the middle of night
Not really middle larh. Baru 9 o'clock.
In the phone I talked to her ( walhal bilik sebelah)

After that, I feel bad about myself
She is the most nice person I ever met 
she help to wake me up in the morning asking me to complete my IA Biology
everyday, asking either I have completed my work or not.
She is always there with me.

Okay, not to bring heart matters here. but the lesson is
All of this thing, all of the work will come to you,
maybe sudden things that could intrude your focus
Not about all of these things, It is a UJIAN
because Allah swt wanna see how you deal with this situation
It is all about you!
Be monster or angel!

Lets change the story.
While I am under the pressure regarding EE
She's making noise
Okay.. be calm
stand up
knock her door
and tell her nicely to slow down
Say sorry 
Then, return to your room.
Its better ha!

Okay. Semester 3 is about dealing with the most villain creature of you.
managing yourself correctly.
and appreciating the people around you.
Friendship important!

It is a real story okay. 

Lastly, see all of the work. I admit October is the most packed month.
Submitting work and  ready for many test.....
A lot! All I realised I am weak and incapable of controlling everything
only Allah knows the future. Now! Ask only from him! Believe!

I learn to put all of my reliance upon Allah! Ask him to give all the guidance in
the test. It called TAWAKAL and it need you to betol- betol yakin.
Tawakal along the way, while reading, before and after the test
Believe that Allah will help you and show your path.
You are the lowest creation with nothing at all
only need his help

I admit with Allah blessings that I got good score in my Chem examinations.
I will keep it as my memory. The most wonderful one.
It all Allah swt work, not from me.

"Little effort + Tawakal while reading = Good score in Chem"

Result sem 3 : 34 points

This time! TAWAKAL is the most significant one. I have no time to read.
No time to do tons of exercise
No time to consult teacher
Even no time to do group discussion 
Again, maybe I am lacking skill for time management
During the study leave, I completed my IA business & management
a week before, focusing on IOC MALAY
and IA MATH.
Hmm, all i can do , the night before exam, ask Allah swt what should I read
and that morning, entering examination hall : not fully prepared not even revise all of the chapters

Put my trust in Allah!

And hit the paper with pen.
Asking Allah to guide me, lead me writing the best answer in exam 

Subhanallah, this result is a lot more better! Not the numbers matter,

The story behinds it is important
Sweet or bitter

Not the honor roll that matters,

It is that we fly together! Next semester.

I feel better now.

It is indeed true. 

With remembrance of Allah, your heart will assured. 

~Ar- ra'd 13: 28~

As conclusion:

IB life : Effort + Dua + Ikhlas + Tawakal + Believe in Allah swt

See... many elements that contribute to success and happiness. guess what. 
no need to guess lah, Haha.. 
only one of it can be visualised ( effort); you see it, people see it!
and 4 of it rely by the role of your heart. 
Achieve by spiritual practice.
IB life is not complex, it just need the two elements of human;
the body, and the spirit! 

Hah! great journey of IB. I will never regret it!
 Wherever you are.
Discover yourself especially the heart
Treat it first because sayings from hadith: 

There lies within the body a piece of flesh. 
If it is good, the whole body is good 
and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted. 
Verily this piece is the HEART."

my heart........

One more:
Happiness is when you see others smile because of you
be the one who give!

Then, I know why Allah has destined me in IB,
I found him! and the true me!

Macam dah habis je IB kan!

1 more semester. IB MAY 2016
Doakan saya, kelas M 14F and batch averroes.
To the special one yang nak start IB. Go!
Best! Tak tipu!
Terrifying! Tu pon tak tipu!

Saya harap anda bergembira dengan tulisan saya dan thank you for reading it
Hope you gain a lesson.
Saya doakan anda sentiasa dilindungi oleh Allah swt. 

Assalamualaikum. =)

Monday, October 12, 2015


I just wanna write
to share these feeling
How we as human 
Living in our own world!
Praising our self for the achievement

You know what,
It was nothing!
Just a piece of cake

Have I sit down 
and thank Him?
Have I?
Have you?

Rely TOTALLY upon him?
Everything that I do
Asking for his mercy

Realizing how I live 
on my own way

yeah.. like I said 
Its a doodle

When I have something in my heart 
and it makes me ponder
upon what I did.


Saturday, July 4, 2015


Basically this is the post that compile all of the sayings about my life from special 
people around me or from me. 
It helps me a lot in gear up my spirit while in the IB programme.

"It is just an IB program. Still diploma! Not yet Degree or Master or even pHD."
                                                                                                - Dr. Amirmudin-

"Please enjoy your IB Life. Just follow your gut! Do want ever you want."
                                                                                                - Dr. Amirmudin-

Seeing myself laughing, realising how easy IB is! Haha.... Be strong girl!
                                                                                            - Amirah June 2016- 

"Kau kena banyak baca buku English la mira."
                                                                                              - Jiha, M14F-

"You are my idol! Your path is more difficult than me."
                                                                                              - Afiqah/ AngahKU-