Monday, July 10, 2017

Rewind: Off to RCSI, Ireland

In the name of Allah, the most merciful and compassionate

It has been a year since my last post in 2016.
Yeah, so lets rewind to the first moment when I stepped my feet on Ireland.

Our flight was on 7 am. So, my family and I arrived at the airport 3 hours earlier. Once arrived at the airport, I weighed my bag because 23kg is the only limit. It was my very first time to be in the Emirates plane. Thanks to my friend Najwa, as she woke up very early in the morning just to send me off to the departure gate. I really appreciate it dear.

Alhamdulillah, After almost 7 hours we transited for 5 hours in Dubai and continued another 7 hours journey. Praises all to Allah, after almost 21 hours of journey, on 3rd of September 2016, 8.55pm Ireland time , 17 MARA students finally arrived at the Dublin Airport. We met Cikgu Rahim, the MARA officer in Ireland and a few seniors from Persatuan Pelajar Islam Malaysia Ireland (PPIMI). The members of the society helped us with the accommodation and we headed to our houses by the chartered bus. 

The next day, my senior walked with me to show the usual road they used to take to my college. At first, I could not remember as all building looks the same for me. It took almost 30 minutes by feet to my college. I was very excited, that I forgot I still in my jetlag " mood", Haha. Excuse my swollen face , maybe because It was pretty cold and rainy on that day.  So guys! Finally, I am here, in front of Royal College Surgeon In Ireland (RCSI). My university! I will spend the rest of my 2 and 1/2 years here, to seek the knowledge about human, the best creation in this world. Ya Allah please guide me to be the best doctor for Ummah and my country. Amin

So, this was the briefing for my course during the Fresher's week. One month of fresher's week was under RCSI program known as ' Passport for Success'. This program catered all the enquiries about studies and care for the students' wellbeing including time management, accommodation and personal tutor. Looking at the overview given, 101 lectures are kind of a lot. Haha, it seems that my time will be pretty much occupied with classes, tutorials, practicals, quizzes and ' card signing' as compared to my friend in University College Dublin (UCD) Get ready mira! Best conclusion is RCSI = KMB. Haha.  


During the registration day, every RCSI student will get a Macbook Air as it is included in the fee


The best thing about RCSI, it is a Muslim- friendly college. There is halal food in the college's restaurant; the AK Henry restaurant and in the coffee doc. Moreover, there is a mosque at the basement with Jumaah prayer every Friday. Look at the gym time table, there is also a specific time for female. Wow that's great! Let's stay healthy girl!

So let's fast forward my story to May 2017. The picture was taken in front of anatomy class on the last day of semester 2 (JC2).  

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. All praises to Allah for every nikmat that he gave to me. Thank you for his guidance throughout this 2 semesters. I have passed the first year examination with flying colours. Alhamdulillah! With the prayers from my family, friends and thank you to my dedicated studymates - the Mendes study group. Thank you girls for the time we spent together, in the library, in the friendship room (at the basement- RCSI main building), at the Stephen's green park, just to  learn the knowledge about me and you, about the human! Yeah!

My dad always say " Enjoy your college life, because it is only ONCE in your life!"
Yeah! You will never get this experience again. It is only once! 

For future juniors, welcome to RCSI!!! Hope this post will light up your spirit and motivate you to do your best in your study in Ireland. =) Yes, I was just like you, I was very excited as my dream finally came true! I searched and watched every video about RCSI just to get the overview. =) 

Don't forget to meet me at RCSI Islamic society (ISOC)  booth during your fresher's week =) And let's join our activity; and we also have special activity just for girls! Its gonna be a lot of fun during the week. See you all!

I will continue to post about my winter and summer trip in Spain and Europe. See ya